How do I place an order?
- Browse the categories
- Search via the search bar
- Add an item you love to your basket
- Proceed to checkouts.
Can I cancel my order?
- Yes, you have 60 minutes to cancel your order.
- After this time, it will not be possible to cancel your order.
Can I change my delivery address or instruction once I’ve placed my order?
- Unfortunately, you can’t change your delivery address once an order has been made.
How can I check on the status of my order?
- You can review your order status in the account section of the site, or by emailing info@egeflora.com with your order number. We are sending your packages with FedEx, UPS or Inter so you can track your order easily.
How long will it take for my order to get to me?
Standard International Shipping: 5 to 8 business days after placing your order.
Express International Shipping: 3 to 7 business days after placing your order.
Standard International Shipping: 3 to 7 business days after placing your order.
Express International Shipping: 1 to 2 business days after placing your order.
Standard International Shipping: 12 to 14 business days after placing your order.
Express International Shipping: 6 to 10 business days after placing your order.
How will my order be shipped?
- All orders will be shipped by UPS , Fedex Express or Inter
- We accept Paypal and Stripe payments. However, a Paypal account is not required to make a purchase.
Credit Cards:
- MasterCard
- Visa
- Discover Card
- American Express
Canceled Orders
- You may have made a duplicate order. When this happens we cancel one of the orders to make sure that you were not charged twice.
- You may have failed to respond in a timely fashion to an important email. Generally, these emails relate to verifying your information or completing payment.
- If you have any questions about your canceled order, please contact our customer service department with your name & invoice at info@egeflora.com